Step 1: Visit our website and pick up the needed item.
Step 2: Clicking on the selected item, a pop-up screen appears with following options:
If you still wish to purchase: Click on 'continue to purchase' to add the product to your cart.
If you wish to view your cart to update your selections: Click on 'view cart'.
If you decide to order and check out, please click on: Order and check out.
Step 3: Select payment account details
If you already have an account, please enter your credentials, i.e. your registered email and password, in 'already have an account'.
If you haven't had an account and wish to register one, please provide personally identifiable data to register. Once given an account, you are easily to track your purchases.
If you wish to purchase without registering an account, please click on 'order without an account'.
Step 4: Provide your delivery information, and select payment and shipping methods for your order.
Step 5: Review your order details, provide any notes, if any, and submit your order.
Upon receiving your submitted order you, we will follow up by phone to confirm your order and address.
Thank you!